Find Bob, the 3-Eyed Fish...

Hidden within each of Alex Gupton's Pen & Ink Creations and Bronze Sculptures resides Bob, Alex's signature Three-Eyed Fish.  Bob was first hidden within the murals that Alex began to paint in the late 1980's and soon found his way into the fine detail that makes Alex's art so unique. He is not easy to find, but rest assured, he is in each piece. The other images, scenes and embellishments that you will discover while looking for him will make the search worthwhile!

Bob first came about at the urging of one of Alex's friends.  Alex was painting a series of murals in a bar in Athens, Georgia and Blinky from 'The Simpson's' had just made his debut.  Alex had no desire to add one of Matt Groenig's characters to his walls, but finally relented and painted his own version of a three-eyed fish into the design.  It was soon all anybody would talk about, and become a fixture in the murals Alex painted throughout the country.  It was thus obvious to include him into the detail that makes up the Pen & Ink that Alex draws. 

Keep a lookout for him in future works, and on other things as well...